Saturday, March 28, 2009

PPC Bully Review - To buy or not to buy!


  1. It does exactly the same type of research that I do manually in a much shorter time frame than I can possibly do... I wish I had this tool when I started out; it would have really accelerated my success. It's going to save you a 'Ton' of time and money... I strongly recommend this tool!

  2. PPC Bully helped me save a lot of money from the traditional ways I use to create successful campaigns. One of the best part is checking the history of an ad display. I was able to find a trend of how often an ad was displayed within a course of a month or even week. It can even check to see if an ad is being displayed during the course of a day, giving me optimal insights of when the best time to display my own ads.

    ~ Ian Fernando,

  3. PPCBully is the missing link in any PPC advertisers' research process. Rather than spending thousands of dollars in testing text ads, PPC Bully tells you exactly what works. If you can't figure out a way to make tons of money off of this service, you're in the wrong business.

    ~ Brandon Hoffman,

  4. PPC Bully allows you to see exactly what your competition is with your keywords, plus allows you to see what other keywords and ads your competition is using. It even tells you if the ads and keywords are profitable. Easy to use interface makes it even better. In the past I tried other tools that claimed to do the same. None of them worked so great. You guys have built a great product, keep up the good work. I highly recommend PPC Bully!

    ~ Felix Leshno,

  5. PPC Bully is a "must have" tool for any PPC advertiser! It lets you complete a task that used to take days in minutes. As a PPC advertiser, I know the importance of tracking, testing and tweaking your campaign once it launched... PPC Bully lets you do all that BEFORE you launch your campaign! Plus, since you're relying on other people's work, you can launch campaigns in practically every language – and tap into less competitive, more lucrative international markets!

    ~ Ran Aroussi,

  6. PPC Bully is a great tool that saves me tons of time when I’m doing my research I can easily see the top affiliates, which products they are promoting , their keywords, landing pages and even their ads. Then after I have all that valuable info I start working on my campaigns . Today PPC Bully is my essential tool. I highly recommend it to everyone doing ppc marketing.

    ~ Felix Grimberg, Affiliate GangStar

  7. This is the most unique tool I have found on the internet today. Thanks to your great new platform, I was able to locate the winning combination of keywords and ads without having to lose money for unnecessary trials. I was able to track down the most profitable ads for building my campaigns. This is a great research tool!

    ~ Roei Zerahia, Razel Group

  8. PPC Bully is a great tool that saves me tons of time when I’m doing my research I can easily see the top affiliates, which products they are promoting , their keywords, landing pages and even their ads. Then after I have all that valuable info I start working on my campaigns . Today PPC Bully is my essential tool. I highly recommend it to everyone that doing ppc marketing.

    ~Felix Grimberg

  9. To keep growing your business one of the key elements is to know what is going on in the market, know what other people are doing is something that you need to know, then have a tool which make this process automatic is fundamental because doing manual is too much time consuming.

    PPC bully is fast and easy service to use which make this process 100% automatic, besides you can set projects in several countries besides United State like Australia, United kingdom, Italy, Spain, Canada, France, Russia, Germany, Netherlands. For now PPC bully to me is a must."

    ~ Roman Campos

  10. I was struggling to get to grips with which keywords to use in adds, and I did not want to waste any money. PPC Bully is an excellent tool which has saved me a lot of time, it is straight forward to use, and the results have been excellent. I would definitely recommend PPC Bully.”

    ~ Andrew Clapham

  11. I have been in affiliate marketing for over 5 years now and have seen hundreds of different tools that claim to make "spying on your competition" quick and easy. The fundamental problem with these spying tools is that they present out-dated data that make it impossible for you to turn a profit.

    PPC-Bully allows you to collect data on your competitors that is literally only hours old. You will know exactly what keywords, landing pages, offers and ads your competition is using right NOW - giving you the power you need to create similar profiting ads. With an easy to use interface and world-class support, PPC-Bully is the tool all affiliate marketers have been looking for!"

    ~ David Kay

  12. "I had been looking for a tool like PPC Bully for a while. But other services like it were either very expensive, or part of a package that I didn't needed. So for me the decision to go with PPC Bully was easily made when I first learned about it.

    With PPC Bully I can now easily research markets and gauge their profitability before I spend a dime on advertising. And it doesn't only save me money, it also saves me from having to set up campaigns that turn out to be duds. In short, if you value your time and money, and if you are tired of setting up campaigns that fail, I highly recommend PPC Bully."

    ~ Jan Paul Voorberg

  13. "I used PPC Bully for 4-5 months and I must tell you : It's great. I used it for most of my campaigns and it's very easy. If you are a PPC guy then you should be familiar with the method of checking which ads, websites are profitable every one week, with a screen shot of the ads made every week. The ad that is always there it's profitable and you can inspire from that ad, website, keyword.

    All this grunt work is done automatically by PPC Bully. You just add the keyword and the location where you would be interested in marketing it. After one week you will see which ad is making money, which keyword are the most profitable, and so on... Definitely it's something that you need, besides an Adwords account."

    ~ Nicusor Valentin Prefac

  14. "I've hunted down a super affiliate who's using only 8 keywords in his campaign using PPC Bully... the results were amazing! That's it, this is the easiest tool I've ever used, and the information I got couldn't have discovered in any other way. This stuff WORKS!"

    ~ Tal Bar Lavie
